Sheffield Fellowship Recipients
The Sheffield Fellow addresses the University community at an event that is open to the community at large, the Dean of Engineering awards the speaker the Sheffield Medal, and the festivities conclude with a reception held in honor of the new Sheffield Fellow.
Past Sheffield Fellows:
- March 22, 2001 - D. Allan Bromley, Sterling Professor of the Sciences and former Dean of Engineering
- January 11, 2000 - Ralph E. Gomory, President, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- October 7, 1999 - John C. Malone, Chairman, Liberty Media Corporation (formerly TCI)
- April 7, 1999- Mary L. Good, Donaghey University Professor at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock
- November 17, 1998 - Henry Becton, Becton Dickinson and Company
- October 29, 1998 - Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft Corporation
- October 22, 1998 - Robert Glaser, RealNetworks
- April 20, 1998 - Robert W. Galvin, Motorola Inc.
- February 24, 1998 - Joel S. Birnbaum, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
- January 26, 1998 - Joseph Costello, Knowledge Universe Inc.
- April 17, 1997 - Tadahiro Sekimoto, NEC Corporation
- February 28, 1997 - Lewis E. Platt, Hewlett Packard Corporation
- November 5, 1996 - Norman R. Augustine, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- September 18, 1996 - Michael H. Jordan, Westinghouse Electric Corporation
- April 24, 1996 - George David, United Technology Corporation
- February 22, 1996 - Roberto Goizueta, Coca Cola Company