Bauyrzhan Primkulov

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Office Address:
9 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208284
New Haven, CT
- Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Alberta
We are a team of theoreticians and experimentalists working on open problems in interfacial fluid dynamics and soft matter. The questions we pose aim to shed light on some of the basic science problems in the field, while our choice of bench-scale experiments is often tuned to inform technical solutions to current energy and environmental challenges. The two main thrusts of my group's research efforts are (i) the study of fluid-fluid displacement in disordered environments and (ii) the development of the hydrodynamic pilot-wave theory.
Selected Awards & Honors:
- InterPore PoreLab Award for Young Researchers, 2024
- CEE Best Doctoral Thesis, MIT 2022
Selected Publications:
For complete list of publications, please see Google Scholar.
- Primkulov, B.K., Pahlavan, A.A., Cueto-Felgueroso, L. and Juanes, R., 2023. Motion of a viscous slug on heterogeneous surfaces: crossover from stick–slip to steady sliding. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 973, p.A2.
- Primkulov, B.K., Zhao, B., MacMinn, C.W. and Juanes, R., 2022. Avalanches in strong imbibition. Communications Physics, 5(1), p.52.
- Primkulov, B.K., Pahlavan, A.A., Fu, X., Zhao, B., MacMinn, C.W. and Juanes, R., 2021. Wettability and Lenormand's diagram. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 923, p.A34.
- Primkulov, B.K., Chui, J.Y.Y., Pahlavan, A.A., MacMinn, C.W. and Juanes, R., 2020. Characterizing dissipation in fluid-fluid displacement using constant-rate spontaneous imbibition. Physical Review Letters, 125(17), p.174503.
- Primkulov, B.K., Pahlavan, A.A., Bourouiba, L., Bush, J.W. and Juanes, R., 2020. Spin coating of capillary tubes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 886, p.A30.