Charalampos Papamanthou

Associate Professor of Computer Science
Room / Office: AKW 414
Office Address:
51 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208285
New Haven, CT
Phone: (203) 432-1008
- Ph.D., Brown University
- M.Sc., Brown University
- M.Sc., University of Crete
- B.Sc., University of Macedonia
Computer Security and Applied Cryptography.
Selected Awards & Honors:
- Facebook Privacy Research Award (Finalist), 2020.
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2017.
- NetApp Faculty Fellowship, 2016.
- Google Faculty Research Award, 2015.
- Yahoo! Faculty Research and Engagement Program Fellowship, 2015.
- George Corcoran Award for Teaching, University of Maryland, 2015.
- Jimmy Lin Award for Invention, University of Maryland, 2014.
- Invention of the Year Award (one of 3 winners out of 154 disclosures), University of Maryland, 2013.
Selected Publications:
- Ahmed Kosba, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou, and Dawn Song. Mirage: Succinct arguments for randomized algorithms with applications to universal zk-snarks. In Proc. Usenix Security Symposium (USENIX SECURITY), Boston MA, USA, 2020.
- Evgenios Kornaropoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou, and Roberto Tamassia. The state of the uniform: Attacks on encrypted databases beyond the uniform query distribution. In Proc. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SSP), San Francisco CA, USA, 2020.
- Tiancheng Xie, Jiaheng Zhang, Yupeng Zhang, Charalampos Papamanthou, and Dawn Song. Libra: Succinct zero-knowledge proofs with optimal prover computation. In Proc. Int. Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Santa Barbara CA, USA, 2019.
- Ioannis Demertzis, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, and Charalampos Papamanthou. Searchable encryption with optimal locality: Achieving sublogarithmic read efficiency. In Proc. Int. Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO), volume 10991 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 374–406, Santa Barbara CA, USA, 2018.
- Lluis Vilanova, Casen Hunger, Charalampos Papamanthou, Yoav Etsion, and Mohit Tiwari. DATS: Refactoring access control out of web applications. In Proc. ACM Int. Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 722–736, Wiliamsburg VA, USA, 2018.
- Ioannis Demertzis, Rajdeep Talapatra, and Charalampos Papamanthou. Efficient searchable encryption through compression. In Proc. Very Large Databases (VLDB), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2018.
- Yupeng Zhang, Jonathan Katz, and Charalampos Papamanthou. All your queries are belong to us: The power of file-injection attacks on searchable encryption. In Proc. Usenix Security Symposium (USENIX SECURITY), pages 707–720, Austin TX, USA, 2016.
- Yupeng Zhang, Jonathan Katz, and Charalampos Papamanthou. IntegriDB: Verifiable SQL for outsourced databases. In Proc. ACM Int. Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pages 1480–1491, Denver CO, USA, 2015.
- Charalampos Papamanthou, Elaine Shi, Roberto Tamassia, and Ke Yi. Streaming authenticated data structures. In Proc. Int. Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques (EUROCRYPT), volume 7881 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 353–370, Athens, Greece, 2013.