Peter T. Rakich

Rackich LabDonna L. Dubinsky Professor of Applied Physics & Physics
Room / Office: Room 407
Office Address:
15 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208284
New Haven, CT
Phone: (203) 432-9256
The Rakich group focuses on experimental nonlinear optics and spectroscopy. Research areas include: the study of natural and artificial forms of optical nonlinearity in nanostructured effective media; the dynamics and evolution of nonlinear systems at new time and length scales; optical forces and energetics in nanoscale systems; nonlinear nano-optomechanical interactions.
Selected Publications:
- H. Shin, W. Qiu, R. Jarecki, J. A. Cox, R. H. Olsson, A Starbuck, Z. Wang, and P. T. Rakich, Tailorable Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Nanoscale Silicon Waveguides, Nature Communications, Vol 4, No. 1944, 2013.
- P. Rakich, C. Reinke, R. Camacho, P. Davids, and Z. Wang, Giant Enhancement of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in the Subwavelength Limit, Physical Review X, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 011008, Jan. 2012.
- P. T. Rakich, Z. Wang, and P. Davids, Scaling of optical forces in dielectric waveguides: rigorous connection between radiation pressure and dispersion., Optics letters, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 2179, Jan. 2011.
- P. T. Rakich, P. Davids, and Z. Wang, Tailoring optical forces in waveguides through radiation pressure and electrostrictive forces., Optics express, vol. 18, no. 14, pp. 1443953, Jul. 2010.
- P. T. Rakich, M. a. Popovi, M. Solja, and E. P. Ippen, Trapping, corralling and spectral bonding of optical resonances through optically induced potentials, Nature Photonics, vol. 1, no. 11, pp. 658665, Nov. 2007.
- P. T. Rakich, Y. Fink, and M. Soljaci, Efficient mid-IR spectral generation via spontaneous fifth-order cascaded-Raman amplification in silica fibers., Optics letters, vol. 33, no. 15, pp. 16902, Aug. 2008.
- P. T. Rakich, M. S. Dahlem, S. Tandon, M. Ibanescu, M. Soljacic, G. S. Petrich, J. D. Joannopoulos, L. A. Kolodziejski, and E. P. Ippen, Achieving centimetre-scale supercollimation in a large-area two-dimensional photonic crystal, Nature Materials, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 9396, Feb. 2006.
Selected Patents:
- P. Rakich and M. Popovic, Controlling optical resonances via optically induced potentials, US Patent 7,583,874, 2009.
- P. Rakich, M. Soljacic, and Y. Fink, Optimized cascaded raman fiber-based laser source for high efficiency mid-infrared spectral generation, US Patent 8,189,257, 2012.
- M. Ibanescu, E. Reed, P.T. Rakich, S.G. Johnson, E.P. Ippen, J.D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, R.E. Hamam, Efficient terahertz sources by optical rectification in photonic crystals and metamaterials exploiting tailored transverse dispersion relations, 2007, US Patent Number - US 7421171 B2.
- P.T. Rakich, P. Davids, Z. Wang, R. Camacho, I. El-kady, R.H. Olsson, C.M. Reinke, Nano-Optomechanical Transducer, 2010, US Patent Number - US8600200 B1.
- P.T. Rakich, Ultralow loss cavities and waveguides via radiation cancellation, 2011, US Patent Number -US 8625939 B1.