Joran Booth
Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Room / Office: Room 118
Office Address:
9 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208286
New Haven, CT
- Ph.D., Purdue University
System-level design and implementation of soft robotics, tensegrity robotics, design theory and methodology.
Selected Awards & Honors:
- Journal of Mechanical Design Editor's Choice Award, 2017
- Nominated for the Purdue Excellence in Teaching Award, 2016
- Ward A. Lambert Graduate Teaching Fellowship, 2015
- Graduate Award for Teaching Excellence (Teaching Academy of Purdue), 2015
- Estus H. and Vashti L. Magoon Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2015
Selected Publications:
- Case, J., Gilbert, J., Booth, J., Sunspiral, V., Kramer-Bottiglio, R., (2020) Spinal Helical Actuation Patterns for Locomotion in Soft Robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol 5(3), 3814-3821.
- Baines, R., Booth, J., Fish, F., Kramer-Bottiglio, R. (2019) Toward a bio-inspired variable-stiffness morphing limb for amphibious robot locomotion. In IEEE RoboSoft.
- Kim, SY., Baines, R., Booth, J., Vasios, N., Bertoldi, K, Kramer-Bottiglio, R. (2019) Reconfigurable soft body trajectories using unidirectionally stretchable composite laminae. Nature Communications, Vol 10(1), 1-8.
- Case, J., Booth, J., Shah, D., Yuen, M., Kramer-Bottlglio, R. (2018) State and Stiffness Estimation using Robotic Fabrics. In IEEE RoboSoft.
- Booth, J., Shah, D., Case, J., White, E., Yuen, M, Kramer-Bottiglio, R. (2018) OmniSkins: Robotic skins that turn inanimate objects into multifunctional robots. Science Robotics, Vol 3.
- Booth, J., Alperovich, J., Chawla, P., Ma, J., Reid, T., Ramani, K. (2017) The Design for Additive Manufacturing Worksheet. ASME J. Mech. Design, Vol 139(10), 100904.
- Booth, J., Taborda, E., Ramani, K., Reid, T. (2016) Interventions for Improving Sketching Skills and Reducing Inhibition for Novice Engineering Designers, Design Studies, Vol 43, pp.1-23.