Corey S. O'Hern

O'Hern Research GroupProfessor of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Physics, Applied Physics & Graduate Program in Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Room / Office: Mason 203
Office Address:
9 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208286
New Haven, CT
Phone: (203) 432-4258
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium systems; glass and jamming transitions in soft matter; computational biology; protein structure, interactions, and design.
Selected Awards & Honors:
- Ackerman Teaching Award (2018)
- Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (2017)
- Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation Award from the National Science Foundation (2008)
- Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation (2005)
Selected Publications:
- Y. Zheng, D. Wang, G. Beeghly, C. Fischbach, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Computational modeling of the physical features that influence breast cancer invasion into adipose tissue,'' APL Bioengineering 8 (2024) 036104.
- L. Maisuradze, M. C. King, I. V. Surovtsev, S. G. J. Mochrie, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Identifying topologically associating domains using differential kernels,'' PLoS Computational Biology 20 (2024) e1012221.
- J. de Anda, S. Kuchma, S. Webster, A. Boromand, K. Lewis, C. Lee, M. Contreras, V. Medeiros Pereira, D. Hogan, C. S. O'Hern, G. O'Toole, and G. Wong, ''How individual P. aeruginosa cells with diverse stator distributions collectively form a heterogeneous macroscopic swarming population,'' mBio 15 (2024) e03322
- G. Liu, S. Sohn, C. S. O'Hern, A. Gilbert, and J. Schroers, ''Effective subgrouping enhances machine learning prediction in complex materials science phenomena: Inoue's subgrouping in discovering bulk metallic glasses,'' Acta Materialia 265 (2024) 119590.
- A. Ton, A. K. MacKeith, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Mechanical plasticity of cell membranes enhances epithelial wound closure,'' Phys. Rev. Research 6 (2024) L012036.
- V. Fotopoulos, C. S. O'Hern, M. D. Shattuck, and A. L. Shluger, ''Modeling the effects of Ti concentration on the mechanical properties of Cu-Ti alloys,'' ACS Omega 9 (2024) 10286.
- A. T. Grigas, A. Fisher, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''The connection between polymer collapse and the onset of jamming,'' Phys. Rev. E 109 (2024) 034406
- A. Nawano, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Characterizing the mechanical response of metallic glasses to uniaxial tension using a spring network model,'' Phys. Rev. Materials 7 (2023) 073605.
- S. Zhang, W. Jin, D. Wang, D. Xu, J. Zhang, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Local and global measures of the shear moduli of jammed disk packings,'' Phys. Rev. E 107 (2023) 054903.
- N. Pashine, D. Wang, J. Zhang, S. K. Patiballa, S. Witthaus, M. D. Shattuck, C. S. O'Hern, and R. Kramer-Bottiglio, ''Tessellated granular metamaterials with tunable elastic moduli,'' Extreme Mech. Lett. 63 (2023) 102055.
- J. Zhang, D. Wang, W. Jin, A. Xia, N. Pashine, R. Kramer-Bottiglio, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Designing the pressure-dependent shear modulus using tessellated granular metamaterials,'' Phys. Rev. E 108 (2023) 034901.
- W. Jin, A. Datye, U. D. Schwarz, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''General framework for the mechanical response of metallic glasses during strain-rate-dependent uniaxial compression,'' Phys. Rev. Materials 7 (2023) 105604.
- G. Liu, S. Sohn, S. A. Kube, A. Raj, A. Mertz, A. Nawano, A. Gilbert, M. D. Shattuck, C. S. O'Hern, and J. Schroers, ''Machine learning versus human learning in predicting glass-forming ability of metallic glasses,'' Acta Materialia 243 (2023) 118497.
- M. Galanis, M. D. Shattuck, C. S. O'Hern, and N. T. Ouellette, ''Directional strengthening and weakening in hydrodynamically sheared granular beds,'' Phys. Rev. Fluids 7 (2022) 013802.
- Y.-C. Hu, W. Jin, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''The glass-forming ability of binary Lennard-Jones systems,'' Phys. Rev. Materials 6 (2022) 075601.
- J. D. Treado, A. B. Roddy, G. Théroux-Rancourt, C. Ambrose, C. Brodersen, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Localized growth drives spongy mesophyll morphogenesis,'' J. R. Soc. Interface 19 (2022) 20220602.
- Y. Cheng, J. D. Treado, B. Lonial, P. Habdas, E. R. Weeks, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Hopper flows of deformable particles,'' Soft Matter 17 (2022) 8071.
- A. T. Grigas, Z. Liu, L. Regan, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Core packing of well-defined x-ray and NMR protein structures is the same,'' Protein Science 31 (2022) e4373.
- M. Galanis, P. Wang, M. D. Shattuck, C. S. O'Hern, and N. T. Ouellette, ''Onset of grain motion in eroding subaqueous bimodal granular beds,'' Phys. Rev. Fluids 6 (2021) 094301.
- D. Wang, J. D. Treado, A. Bormand, B. Norwick, M. P. Murrell, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''The structural, vibrational, and mechanical properties of jammed packings of deformable particles in three dimensions,'' Soft Matter 17 (2021) 9901.
- S. Y. Kim, S. Liu, S. Sohn, J. Jacobs, M. D. Shattuck, C. S. O'Hern, J. Schroers, M. Loewenberg, and R. Kramer-Bottiglio, ''Static-state particle fabrication via rapid vitrification of a thixotropic medium,'' Nature Communications 12 (2021) 3768
- P. Wang, S. Zhang, P. J. Tuckman, N. T. Ouellette, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Shear response of granular packings compressed above jamming onset,'' Phys. Rev. E 103 (2021) 022902.
- J. Zhang, K. VanderWerf, C. Li, S. Zhang, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Mechanical response of packings of non-spherical particles: A case study of 2D packings of circulo-lines,'' Phys. Rev. E 104 (2021) 014901.
- J. D. Treado, D. Wang, A. Boromand, M. P. Murrell, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Bridging particle deformability and collective response in soft solids,'' Phys. Rev. Materials 5 (2021) 055605.
- K. VanderWerf, A. Boromand, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Pressure-dependent shear response of jammed packings of spherical particles,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 038004.
- Z. Mei, J. D. Treado, A. T. Grigas, Z. A. Levine, L. Regan, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Analyses of protein cores reveal fundamental differences between solution and crystal structures,'' Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 88 (2020) 1154.
- Y.-C. Hu, K. Zhang, S. A. Kube, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Glass formation in binary alloys with different atomic symmetries,'' Phys. Rev. Materials 4 (2020) 105602.
- P. J. Tuckman, K. VanderWerf, Y. Yuan, S. Zhang, J. Zhang, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Contact network changes in ordered and disordered disk packings,'' Soft Matter 16 (2020) 9443.
- W. Jin, C. S. O'Hern, C. Radin, M. D. Shattuck, and H. L. Swinney, ''Homogeneous crystallization in cyclically sheared frictionless grains,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 258003.
- A. T. Grigas, Z. Mei, J. D. Treado, Z. A. Levine, L. Regan, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Using physical features of protein core packing to distinguish real proteins from decoys,'' Protein Science 29 (2020) 1931.
- Q. Wu, C. Cui, T. Bertrand, C. S. O'Hern, and M. D. Shattuck, ''Active acoustic switches using 2D granular crystals,'' Phys. Rev. E 99 (2019) 062901.
- Y.-C. Hu, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Tuning the glass-forming ability of metallic glasses through energetic frustration,'' Phys. Rev. Materials 3 (2019) 085602.
- A. Boromand, A. Signoriello, J. Lowensohn, C. S. Orellana, E. R. Weeks, F. Ye, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''The role of deformability in determining the structural and mechanical properties of bubbles and emulsions,'' Soft Matter 15 (2019) 5854.
- J. D. Treado, Z. Mei, L. Regan, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Void distributions reveal structural link between jammed packings and protein cores,'' Phys. Rev. E 99 (2019) 022416.
- A. Boromand, A. Signoriello, F. Ye, C. S. O'Hern, and M. D. Shattuck, ''Jamming of deformable polygons,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 248003.
- C. Oi, J. T. Treado, Z. A. Levine, C. S. Lim, K. M. Knecht, Y. Xiong, C. S. O'Hern, and L. Regan, ''A threonine zipper that mediates protein-protein interactions: Structure and prediction,'' Protein Science 27 (2018) 1969.
- S. Chen, T. Bertrand, W. Jin, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Stress anisotropy in shear-jammed packings of frictionless disks,'' Phy. Rev. E 98 (2018) 042906.
- A. H. Clark, M. D. Shattuck, N. T. Ouellette, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Critical scaling near the yielding transition in granular media,'' Phys. Rev. E 97 (2018) 062901.
- J. C. Gaines, S. Acebes, A. Virrueta, M. Butler, L. Regan, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Comparing side chain packing in soluble proteins, protein-protein interfaces, and transmembrane proteins,'' Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 86 (2018) 581.
- K. VanderWerf, W. Jin, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Hypostatic jammed packings of frictionless nonspherical particles,'' Phys. Rev. E 97 (2018) 012909.
- J. C. Gaines, A. Virrueta, D. A. Buch, S. J. Fleishman, C. S. O'Hern, and L. Regan, ''Collective repacking reveals that the structures of protein cores are uniquely specified by steric repulsive interactions,'' Protein Eng. Des. Sel. 30 (2017) 387.
- J. C. Gaines, A. H. Clark, L. Regan, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Packing of protein cores,'' J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 293001.
- K. Zhang, C.-C. Kuo, N. See, C. S. O'Hern, and M. Dennin, "Stable small bubble clusters in two-dimensional foams,'' Soft Matter 13 (2017) 4370.
- Q. Wu, T. Bertrand, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''The response of jammed packings to thermal fluctuations,'' Phys. Rev. E 96 (2017) 062902.
- A. H. Clark, N. T. Ouellette, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''The role of grain dynamics in determining the onset of sediment transport,'' Phys. Rev. Fluids 2 (2017) 034305.
- M. Fan, K. Zhang, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Particle rearrangement and softening contributions to the nonlinear mechanical response of glasses,'' Phys. Rev. E 96 (2017) 032602.
- M. Fan, M. Wang, K. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''The effects of cooling rate on particle rearrangement statistics: Rapidly cooled glasses are more ductile and less reversible,'' Phys. Rev. E 95 (2017) 022611.
- T. Bertrand, R. P. Behringer, B. Chakraborty, C. S. O'Hern, and M. D. Shattuck, ''Protocol dependence of the jamming transition,'' Phys. Rev. E 93 (2016) 012901.
- D. Caballero, A. Virrueta, C. S. O'Hern, and L. Regan, ''Steric interactions alone determine side chain conformations in protein cores,'' Protein Eng. Des. Sel. 29 (2016) 367.
- J. C. Gaines, W. W. Smith, L. Regan, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Random close packing in protein cores,'' Phys. Rev. E 93 (2016) 032415.
- A. Virrueta, C. S. O'Hern, and L. Regan, ''Understanding the physical basis for the side chain conformational preferences of Met,'' Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 84 (2016) 900.
- M. Wang, K. Zhang, Z. Li, Y. Liu, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Asymmetric crystallization during cooling and heating in model glass-forming systems,'' Phys. Rev. E 91 (2015) 032309.
- K. Zhang, M. Fan, Y. Liu, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Beyond packing of hard spheres: The effects of core softness, non-additivity, intermediate-range repulsion, and many-body interactions on the glass-forming ability of bulk metallic glasses,'' J. Chem. Phys. 143 (2015) 184502.
- K. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''The glass-forming ability of model metal-metalloid alloys,'' J. Chem. Phys. 142 (2015) 104504.
- K. Zhang, B. Dice, Y. Liu, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''On the origin of multi-component bulk metallic glasses: Atomic size mismatches and de-mixing,'' J. Chem. Phys. 143 (2015) 054501.
- A. H. Clark, M. D. Shattuck, N. T. Ouellette and C. S. O'Hern, ''Onset and cessation of motion in hydrodynamically sheared granular beds,'' Phys. Rev. E 92 (2015) 042202.
- M. Mai, K. Wang, G. Huber, M. Kirby, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Outcome prediction in mathematical models of immune response to infection,'' PLoS ONE 10 (2015) e0135861.
- D. Caballero, W. W. Smith, C. S. O'Hern, and L. Regan, ''Equilibrium transitions between side chain conformations in leucine and isoleucine,'' Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 83 (2015) 1488.
- T. Bertrand, C. F. Schreck, C. S. O'Hern, and M. D. Shattuck, ''Hypo-coordinated solids in particulate media,'' Phys. Rev. E 89 (2014) 062203.
- K. Zhang, W. W. Smith, M. Wang, Y. Liu, J. Schroers, M. D. Shattuck, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Connection between the packing efficiency of binary hard spheres and the glass-forming ability of bulk metallic glasses,'' Phys. Rev. E 90 (2014) 032311.
- W. W. Smith, P.-Y. Ho, and C. S. O'Hern, ''Calibrated Langevin dynamics simulations of intrinsically disordered proteins,'' Phys. Rev. E 90 (2014) 042709.
- A. Q. Zhou, C. S. O'Hern, and L. Regan, ''Predicting the side-chain dihedral angle distributions of non-polar, aromatic, and polar amino acids using hard-sphere models,'' Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 82 (2014) 2574.
- D. Caballero, J. Määttä, A. Q. Zhou, M. Sammalkorpi, C. S. O'Hern, and L. Regan, ''The intrinsic α-helical and β-sheet preferences: A computational case study of Alanine,'' Protein Science 23 (2014) 970.
- T. Shen, S. Papanikolaou, C. S. O'Hern, and M. D. Shattuck, ''The statistics of frictional families,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 128302.
- C. F. Schreck, C. S. O'Hern, and M. D. Shattuck, ''Vibrations of jammed disk packings with Hertzian interactions,'' Granular Matter 16 (2014) 209.
- Chair for the American Physical Society Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (2010)
- Co-founder and member of Executive Committee for Yale's Integrated Graduate Program in Physical and Engineering Biology (2008-present)
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science (2011-present)
Additional Websites
Integrated Graduate Program in Physical and Engineering Biology (IGPPEB)