Shu Hu

Assistant Professor of Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Office Address:
9 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT; Lab Address: Energy Science Center II, 810 West Campus Drive, West Haven, CT 06516
Phone: (203) 436-4764
Fax: (203) 432-4387
  • Ph.D., Stanford University
  • B.S., Tsinghua University


The Hu lab studies solar energy conversion, in the context of nanoscale electrochemical cells where reductive and oxidative reactions are in nanoscale proximity.

We are interested in sustainable light-driven chemical and materials transformation. Practical applications include the synthesis of H2, CO, C2H4, and small molecular-weight chemicals from light by using water, CO2 from the air, and dissolved inorganic carbon from the ocean.

Our research group at Yale investigates non-equilibrium, light-driven catalysis processes that couple with chemical transport in practical reactors.

In doing so, we understand photocatalyst operation, design novel coat-protected photocatalysts, and demonstrate efficient, stable, and cost-effective chemical devices.

We are currently investigating the following areas:

  • Semiconductor photoelectrochemistry
  • Functional coatings
  • Cascade catalysis under molecular flux
  • Energy-efficient AI hardware

Selected Awards & Honors:

  • ACS ENFL Emerging Researcher Award (2024)
  • Brown & Williamson Chemistry Lectureship (2022)
  • Future Chemical Engineering Scholar, Global Academy of Chinese Chemical Engineers (2022)
  • DOE Early Career Award (2021)
  • Fellow, International Association of Advanced Materials (2021)
  • Scialog Fellow, Negative Emissions Science (2020)
  • Electrochemical Society, Division Young Investigator Award (2019)
  • Journal of Materials Chemistry Emerging Young Investigator (2018)
  • Gold Award, Materials Research Society (2011)
  • TMS Ross N. Tucker Memorial Award (2011)

Selected Publications:

     For a full list, visit Prof. Hu's Google Scholar profile.