The School of Engineering & Applied Science’s faculty participates in and leads many Centers focused on research and science and engineering interdisciplinary initiatives.
Yale's Integrated Graduate Program in Physical and Engineering Biology (IGPPEB) seeks to train a new generation of scientists, who are skilled at applying physics and engineering methods and reasoning to biological research, and sufficiently sophisticated in their biological training, such that they will readily identify, and tackle, cutting-edge problems in the life sciences. |
The objective of the Yale Institute for Network Science is to produce and disseminate knowledge related to network science, in all its forms and applications, and to make Yale a leader in the area. |
The Mission of The Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale is to advance sustainability by catalyzing the effectiveness of the Green Chemistry and Green Engineering community. |
The emphasis of the Image Processing and Analysis Group (IPAG) from the outset has been to bridge areas of general image processing and computer vision with medical-imaging-specific knowledge. By being physically located in the medical school while maintaining close ties to engineering through teaching and research, the group strives to advance the field by developing new image processing and analysis methodology fully grounded with knowledge of image acquisition physics, anatomy and physiology, and the clinical and scientific questions.
The PET Center is comprised of a technologically advanced radiochemistry laboratory engaged in the development and use of a rich set of PET radiopharmaceuticals labeled with the most common PET isotopes (11C, 15O, 13N, and 18F); and an imaging and data analysis section that oversees scanning procedures and optimizes data acquisition and analysis. |
The MRRC is an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research laboratory that provides state-of-the-art MR equipment, infrastructure, and expertise for the development and application of MRI and MRS methodology in biomedical research. Research is focused on the study of intact biological systems by developing methods for obtaining structural, functional, physiological and biochemical information by MRI, MRS and other techniques. |
The mission of the Yale Institute for Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering is to develop collaborations centered on nanoscale research projects among those in a variety of scientific disciplines, in order to make substantial advances in understanding and technology. |
The Yale Center for Genome Analysis is a full service facility dedicated to providing RNA expression profiling, DNA genotyping, and high-throughput sequencing using state of the art technologies. |
The DNA Analysis Facility supports the applications of DNA Sequencing and Fragment Analysis of Microsatellites and AFLP's. The facility is housed in the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies Molecular Systematics and Conservation Genetics Center, enhancing training within the MSCG Center by allowing students to obtain genetic information from large data sets in a time frame that is appropriate to their academic schedules. |
The Keck Biotechnology Resource Laboratory provides 150 genomic, proteomic, biostatistical, bioinformatics, and high performance computing technologies to hundreds of Yale and non-Yale investigators whose research otherwise might not benefit from the highly sophisticated and expensive instrumentation upon which biological and biomedical research is increasingly dependent. |