Electronic, Photonic & Nanodevices

Research on the basic and applied sciences as well as technology aspects of electronics, photonics, and nanodevices is conducted by several Electrical Engineering faculty members, in collaboration with faculty from other SEAS and Yale departments. Much of this research focuses on the understanding of the various physical phenomena that arise from novel material systems or novel device structures synthesized in our in-house Cleanroom facility, with a goal toward possible applications in future generations of electronics and photonics.

Current research directions include advanced gate stacks for futuristic CMOS technology, synthesis of low-dimensional nanostructures, mesoscopic transport and optical phenomena in low-dimensional systems, nanostructure-based chem./bio sensors, energy-efficient solid-state lighting, engineering of strain in semiconductor materials, strain-enhanced carrier transport and optical properties in nanostructures, strain-induced self-assembly for quantum dots formation, optoelectronics, electronic and optical properties of novel compound semiconductor materials, and physics of quantum well devices.

Faculty involved with research:

Jung Han
– EE

Hong Tang
– EE

Fengnian Xia
– EE

Frederick Sigworth
– Cellular & Molecular Physiology