Theodore Kim

Profile picture of Theodore Kim


Lab website
Professor of Computer Science
Room / Office: Watson 412
Office Address:
51 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208285
New Haven, CT 06520
  • Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • M.S., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • B.S., Cornell University


Computer Graphics, Computer Animation, Solid Mechanics, Computational Fluids Dynamics, Fractal Growth Structures.

Selected Awards & Honors:

  • Academy Award for Scientific and Technical Achievement, 2012
  • Best Paper, Symposium on Computer Animation, 2011 and 2016
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2013-2018

Selected Publications:

  • Analytic eigensystems for isotropic distortion energies. Breannan Smith, Fernando de Goes, and T. Kim. ACM Transactions on Graphics, February 2019.
  • Stable neo-hookean flesh simulation. Breannan Smith, Fernando de Goes, and T. Kim. ACM Transactions on Graphics, March 2018.
  • Quaternion julia set shape optimization. T. Kim. Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2015.
  • Wavelet turbulence for fluid simulation. T. Kim, Nils Thürey, Doug James, and Markus Gross. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2008.
  • Optimizing cubature for efficient integration of subspace deformations. Steven An, T. Kim, and Doug James. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 2008.
  • Modeling ice dynamics as a thin film stefan problem. T. Kim, David Adalsteinsson, Ming Lin. Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) 2006.

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