Themis R. Kyriakides

Kyriakides LabProfessor of Pathology & Biomedical Engineering
Room / Office: Amistad 301C
Office Address:
10 Amistad Street
New Haven, CT
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208089
New Haven, CT
Phone: (203) 737-2214
Ph.D., Washington State University
Cellular and molecular events at the interface between implanted biomaterials and tissues; biomaterial-induced inflammation, wound healing, tissue regeneration with a focus on angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix remodeling; in vivo work on genetically-modified mice; gene delivery from biomaterials; development of biodegradable polymers; modification of glucose sensors; development of artificial skin.
Selected Publications:
- Moore LB, Sawyer AJ, Saucier-Sawyer J, Saltzman WM, Kyriakides TR. Nanoparticle delivery of miR-223 to attenuate macrophage fusion. Biomaterials (2016 in press).
- Bancroft T, Bouaouina M, Roberts S, Lee M, Calderwood DA, Schwartz M, Simons M, Sessa WC, Kyriakides TR. Upregulation of Thrombospondin-2 in Akt1-null Mice Contributes to Compromised Tissue Repair due to Abnormalities in Fibroblast Function. J Biol Chem. pii: jbc.M114.618421. 2014.
- Sawyer AJ, Tian W, Saucier-Sawyer JK, Rizk PJ, Saltzman WM, Bellamkonda RV, Kyriakides TR. The effect of inflammatory cell-derived MCP-1 loss on neuronal survival during chronic neuroinflammation. Biomaterials. 35:6698-706. 2014.
- Padmanabhan J, Kinser ER, Stalter MA, Duncan-Lewis C, Balestrini JL, Sawyer AJ, Schroers J, Kyriakides TR. Engineering cellular responses using nanopatterned bulk metallic glass. ACS Nano 8:4366-75. PMID: 24724817. 2014.
- Malik A, Hoque R, Ouyang X, Ghani A, Hong E, Khan K., Moore L.B., Ng G., Munro F., Flavell R.A., Shi Y., Kyriakides T.R.*, Mehal W*. Inflammasome components ASC and Caspase-1 mediate biomaterial-induced inflammation and foreign body response. P.N.A.S. 108: 20095-100. 2011.
- MacLauchlan S, Yu J, Parrish M, Asoulin TA, Schleicher M, Krady MM, et al. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase controls the expression of the angiogenesis inhibitor thrombospondin 2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011; 108(46):E1137-45.
- Tian W, Sawyer A, Kocaoglu FB, Kyriakides TR. Astrocyte-derived thrombospondin-2 is critical for the repair of the blood-brain barrier. Am J Pathol. 2011; 179(2):860-8.
- Malik AF, Hoque R, Ouyang X, Ghani A, Hong E, Khan K, et al. Inflammasome components Asc and caspase-1 mediate biomaterial-induced inflammation and foreign body response. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011; 108(50):20095-100.
- Jay SM, Skokos EA, Zeng J, Knox K, Kyriakides TR. Macrophage fusion leading to foreign body giant cell formation persists under phagocytic stimulation by microspheres in vitro and in vivo in mouse models. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010; 93(1):189-99.
- Jay SM, Shepherd BR, Andrejecsk JW, Kyriakides TR, Pober JS, Saltzman WM. Dual delivery of VEGF and MCP-1 to support endothelial cell transplantation for therapeutic vascularization. Biomaterials. 2010; 31(11):3054-62.
- Kyriakides TR, Wulsin D, Skokos EA, Fleckman P, Pirrone A, Shipley JM, et al. Mice that lack matrix metalloproteinase-9 display delayed wound healing associated with delayed reepithelization and disordered collagen fibrillogenesis. Matrix Biol. 2009; 28(2):65-73.
- Maclauchlan S, Skokos EA, Agah A, Zeng J, Tian W, Davidson JM, et al. Enhanced angiogenesis and reduced contraction in thrombospondin-2-null wounds is associated with increased levels of matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9, and soluble VEGF. J Histochem Cytochem. 2009; 57(4):301-13.
- MacLauchlan S, Skokos EA, Meznarich N, Zhu DH, Raoof S, Shipley JM, et al. Macrophage fusion, giant cell formation, and the foreign body response require matrix metalloproteinase 9. J Leukoc Biol. 2009;85(4):617-26.
- Schroers J, Kumar G, Hodges T, Chan S, Kyriakides T. Bulk metallic glasses for biomedical applications. Jom. 2009; 61(9):21-9.
- Tian W, Kyriakides TR. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 deficiency leads to prolonged foreign body response in the brain associated with increased IL-1beta levels and leakage of the blood-brain barrier. Matrix Biol. 2009; 28(3):148-59.
- Tian W., Kyriakides T.R. Thrombospondin 2-null mice display an altered brain foreign body response to polyvinyl alcohol sponge implants. Biomedical Materials 4 (1): 015009, 2009.
- MacLauchlan S., Skokos E., Meznarich N., Zhu D., Raoof S., Shipley J.M., Senior R.M., Bornstein P., Kyriakides T.R.. Abnormal foreign body response in mice that lack matrix metalloproteinase-9 associated with disordered matrix remodeling, compromised angiogenesis, and foreign body giant cell formation. J. Leukocyte Biology (in press) 2009.
- Lin S.-P., Kyriakides TR, Chen J.-J. Characterization of a three-dimensional matrix on microelectrode arrays for on-line cell growth observation. Biomaterials (accepted, 2009).
- Jay, S.M., Skokos, E., Zeng, J., Knox, K., Kyriakides, T.R. Macrophage fusion leading to foreign body giant cell formation persists under phagocytic stimulation by microspheres in in vitro and in vivo in mouse models. J. Biomed. Mat. Res. Part A (in press 2009).
- Krady M.M., Zeng J., Yu J., MacLauchlan S, Skokos E.A., Bornstein P., Sessa W.C., Kyriakides T.R. Thrombospondin-2 modulates extracellular matrix remodeling during physiologic angiogenesis. American Journal of Pathology 173:879-91. 2008.
- Cahn F., Kyriakides T.R. Generation of an artificial skin construct containing a non-degradable fiber mesh: a potential transcutaneous interface. Biomedical Materials 3:034110. 2008.
- Jay, S.M., Skokos, E., Laiwalla, F., Krady, M.M., Kyriakides, T.R. Foreign Body Giant Cell Formation Is Preceded by Lamellipodia Formation and Can Be Attenuated by Inhibition of Rac1 Activation. American Journal of Pathology, 171: 2, 2007.
- The CC chemokine ligand, CCL2/MCP1, participates in macrophage fusion and foreign body giant cell formation , Themis R Kyriakides, M.J. Foster, G.E. Keeney, A. Tsai, C.M. Giachelli, B.J. Rollins, P. Bornstein, 2004, Am. J. Pathol.
- pH-sensitive polymers that enhance intracellular drug delivery in vivo , Themis R Kyriakides, C.C. Cheung, N. Murthy, P. Bornstein, P.S. Stayton, A.S. Hoffman, 2001, J. Contr. Rel., 78, 295-303.
- Modulation of angiogenesis and matrix remodeling by localized, matrix-mediated, antisense gene delivery, Themis R Kyriakides, T. Hartzel, G. Huyen, P. Bornstein, 2001, Mol. Ther., 3, 842-849.
- Mice that lack the angiogenesis inhibitor thrombospondin 2 mount an altered foreign body reaction characterized by increased vascularity, Themis R Kyriakides, K. J. Leach, A.S. Hoffman, B.D. Ratner, P. Bornstein , 1999, Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 13, 4449-4454.