Mitchell Smooke

Strathcona Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science & Applied Physics
Room / Office: Becton 201
Office Address:
15 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208284
New Haven, CT
Phone: (203) 432-4344
Fax: (203) 432-6775
- M.B.A, University of California at Berkeley
- Ph.D., Harvard University
- M.S., Harvard University
- B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Smooke's primary research interests lie in the areas of computational combustion, chemical vapor deposition, and the numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.
Current research projects involve computational studies of NOx and soot formation in flames, the modeling of multidimensional premixed and nonpremixed flames on parallel supercomputers, flamelet models for turbulent reacting flows, and microgravity combustion.
Selected Awards & Honors:
- AIAA Propellant and Combustion Award, AIAA (2015)
- The Combustion Institute Zeldovich Gold Medal (2012)
- DoD SERDP WSP Project of the Year Award (2011)
- Oppenheim Prize, Institute for the Dynamics of Explosions and Reacting Systems (2004)
- The Combustion Institute Silver Medal (1994)
- Fellow, Combustion Institute (CI) (2018)
- Fellow, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) (2010)
- Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (2008)
- Fellow, Institute of Physics (IOP) (1998)
- Elected to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (2006)
- Yale Graduate School Mentor Award, (2008)
- Yale College Dylan Hixon Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Natural Sciences (2006)
- Yale Science and Engineering Alumni Award for the Advancement of Basic and Applied Research (2005)
- Yale Engineering Sheffield Teaching Award (2004)
- Yale University/John F. Enders Research Grant (1990)
- Technical Achievement Award, Sandia National Laboratories (1982)
- Commencement Marshall Award (highest GPA), Physics Department, RPI (1973)
Selected Publications:
Below is a selected list; click here for a comprehensive list of publications.
- M. D. Smooke, C. S. McEnally, L. D. Pfefferle, R. J. Hall and M. B. Colket, “Computational and Experimental Study of Soot Formation in a Coflow, Laminar Diffusion Flame,” Comb. and Flame, 117 (1999).
- M. D. Smooke, R. A. Yetter, T. Parr and D. Hanson-Parr, “Modeling Two-Dimensional Coflow AP Diffusion Flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 28 (2000).
- T. P. Parr, D. M. Hanson-Parr, M. D. Smooke and R. A. Yetter, “AP/(H2+CO) Gaseous Fuel Diffusion Flame Studies,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 29 (2002).
- S. V. Naik, N. M. Laurendeau, J. A. Cooke, and M. D. Smooke, “Effect of Radiation on Nitric Oxide Concentrations Under Sooting Oxy-Fuel Conditions,” Comb. and Flame, 134, 425-431 (2003).
- M. D. Smooke, C. S. McEnally, J. Fielding, M. B. Long, L. D. Pfefferle, R. J. Hall and M. B. Colket, “Investigation of the Transition from Lightly Sooting towards Heavily Sooting Coflow Ethylene Diffusion Flames,” Comb.Theory and Modelling, 8 (2004).
- M. D. Smooke, C. S. McEnally, J. Fielding, M. B. Long, L. D. Pfefferle, R. J. Hall and M. B. Colket, “Modeling the Transition from Non-Sooting to Sooting Coflow Ethylene Diffusion Flames,” Comb. Theory and Modelling, 8 (2004).
- J. A. Cooke, M. D. Smooke, M. Bellucci, A. Gomez, A. Violi, T. Faravelli and E. Ranzi, “Computational and Experimental Study of a JP-8 Counterflow Diffusion Flame,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 30 (2005).
- M. D. Smooke, M. B. Long, M. B. Colket and R. J. Hall, “Soot Formation in Laminar Coflow Ethylene Diffusion Flames,” Comb. and Flame, 143 (2005).
- T. P. Parr, D. M. Hanson-Parr, M. D. Smooke and R. A. Yetter, “AP/(C2H2+C2H4+N2) Gaseous Fuel Diffusion Flame Studies,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 30 (2005).
- M. Noskov, M. Benzi and M. D. Smooke, “An Implicit Compact Scheme Solver for Two-Dimensional Multicomponent Flows,” Comp. and Fluids, 36 (2006).
- G. Amantini, B. A. V. Bennett, J. H. Frank, A. Gomez and M. D. Smooke, “Comprehensive Study of Extinction, Re-ignition, and the Evolution of an Annular Edge Flame in a Counterflow Flame Perturbed by Vortices,” Comb. and Flame, 150 (2007).
- B. C. Connelly, M. B. Long, M. D. Smooke, R. J. Hall and M. B. Colket, “Computational and Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of Soot and NO in Coflow Diffusion Flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32 (2009).
- S. B. Dworkin, J. A. Cooke, B. A. V. Bennett, B. C. Connelly, M. B. Long, M. D. Smooke, R. J. Hall and M. B. Colket, “Distributed-Memory Parallel Computation of a Forced, Time-Dependent, Sooting, Ethylene/Air Coflow Diffusion Flame,” Comb. Theory and Modelling, 13 (2009).
- R. B. Dobbins and M. D. Smooke, "A Fully Implicit Compact Finite Difference Method for the Numerical Solution of Unsteady Laminar Flames," Flow, Turb. and Comb., 85, (2010).
- L Tosatto, B. A. V. Bennett and M. D. Smooke, "Parallelization Strategies for an Implicit Newton-based Reactive Flow Solver," Comb. Theory and Modelling, 15, (2011).
- L. Tosatto, T. Lu, B. A. V. Bennett and M. D. Smooke, "A Flux-Based Directed Relation Graph Method for the Adaptive On-the-Fly Reduction of Chemical Mechanisms," Comb. and Flame, 158, (2011).
- L. Tosatto, F. Mella, M. B. Long, and M. D. Smooke, "A Study of JP-8 Scoflow Flame Structure by Combined Use of Laser Diagnostics and Numerical Simulation," Comb. and Flame, 159, (2012).
- M. D. Smooke, "The Computation of Laminar Flames," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34, (2013).
- R.R. Dobbins, R.J. Hall, S. Cao, B.A.V. Bennett, M. B. Colket and M.D. Smooke, “Radiative Emission and Reabsorption in Laminar, Ethylene-Fueled Diffusion Flames Using the Discrete Ordinates Method,” Comb. Sci. Tech, 187:1-2, (2014).
- S. Cao, B. A. V. Bennett, and M. D. Smooke, “MC-Smooth: A Mass Conserving, Smooth Vorticity-Velocity Formulation for Multidimensional Flows,” Comb. Theory and Modelling, 19, (2015).
- D. Giassi, S. Cao, B.A.V. Bennett, D.P. Stocker, F. Takahashi, M.D. Smooke, and M.B. Long, “Analysis of CH* Cand flame Heat Release Rate in Laminar Coflow Diffusion Flames under Microgravity and Normal Gravity,” Comb. and Flame, 167, (2016).
- S. Cao, B. A. V. Bennett, B. Ma, M. B. Long, and M. D. Smooke, “Effects of Pressure and Dilution Level on the Structure of Coflow Laminar Methane-Air Diffusion Flames: A Computational and Experimental Study,” Comb. Theory and Modelling, 22, (2018).
- N. J. Kempema, R. R. Dobbins, M. B. Long and M. D. Smooke, “Constrained-Temperature Solutions of Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38, (2021).
- G. Derk, E. Boyer, G. A. Risha, R. A. Yetter, R. Dobbins and M. D. Smooke, “Experimen- tal and Numerical Investigation of High-Pressure Nitromethane Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38, (2021).
- R. R. Dobbins, J. Tinajero, J. Squeo, X. Zhao, R. J. Hall, M. B. Colket, M. B. Long and M. D. Smooke, “A Combined Experimental and Computational Study of Soot Formation in Normal and Microgravity Conditions,” Comb. Sci and Tech., DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2022.2041621, (2023).
Academic & Employment History
- Dean of Engineering, Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science (2000, 2018-2019)
- Chairman, Mechanical Engineering, Yale University (1994-2000, 2006-2012)
- Strathcona Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1995-Present)
- Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1993-1995)
- Associate Professor with Tenure (1990-1993)
- Associate Professor on Term (1986-1990)
- Assistant Professor (1984-1986)
- Staff Scientist, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA (1978-1984)
Scientific & Professional Societies
- The Combustion Institute (CI)
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- Institute of Physics (IOP)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Decanal Service
- Yale Science Development Fund Committee (Lab Set-Up Accounts)
- Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) Steering Committee (Faculty Policy)
- FAS Faculty Resource Committee (Departmental Searches)
- Expanded Executive Committee (FAS Deans + Provost + President)
- Yale University Cabinet (Professional School Deans + President)
- Sterling Fellows Events (Development)
- Physical Sciences and Engineering Tenure Appointments Committee
Recent Institutional Service
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, Mechanical Engineering (1985-1994, 2000-2006)
- Director of Graduate Studies, Yale Engineering (2002-2003)
- Faculty Review Committee (2013-2015)
- The Silliman Lectureship Committee (2015-2017)
- Yale University Tenure Committee for the Physical Sciences and Engineering (2000-2002, 2005-2006)
- Yale University Science Council (Member 2004-Present, Chair 2005-2006)
- Yale University Budget Committee, (1998-2000, 2005-2007)
- Yale University Committee for the Economic Status of the Faculty (1992-1994, Chair 1996-1998)
- Yale University, HPC Operations and Planning Committee (2012-2015)
- Yale University, HPC Focus Group (2010-2012)
- Yale University ITS Advisory Committee (2011-2013)
- Yale University ITS Research Technologies Committee (2012-2013)
- Yale University HPC Committee (2009-2010)
- Yale University Physical and Biological Sciences Degree Committee (2002-2008)
- Yale University Junior Faculty Fellowship Committee for the Physical Sciences and Engineering (2001-2007)
- Yale University Scholar Awards Committee (2005-2009)
- Yale University Institute for Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering Ad Hoc Committee (2005- 2010)
- Yale University Biomedical Engineering Department Formation Committee (2000-2002) Yale University Committee on Cooperative Research (1996-2000)
Recent Professional Service
- Chair, National Academies Committee on Cyberinfrastructure for Combustion, (2009-2011)
- Co-Editor-In-Chief, Combustion Theory and Modelling (1996-Present)
- Board of Directors, The Combustion Institute, (2006-2018)
- Member of the Combustion Research Facility Advisory Board, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California (2013-2019)
- Member of the External Advisory Board, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut (2006-Present)
- Editor, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (2001-2005)
- Program Co-Chair, 32nd International Combustion Symposium (2008)
- Executive Committee, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (2005-2007)
- Chair, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (2003-2005)
- Vice-Chair, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (2001-2003)
- Program Chair, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (1996-1997)
- Paper Chair, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (1994-1995)
- Colloquium Co-Chair, 23rd, 26th and 27th International Combustion Symposium, (1990, 1996, 1998)
- Member of the Engineering Advisory Board, Fairfield University (2005-2015)
- DOE Workshop on Clean and Efficient Transportation Fuels for the 21st Century (2006)
- DOE Workshop on Multiscale Modeling (2005)
- Propellant and Combustion Technical Program Chair, ASM AIAA, Reno, (2005)
- Propellant and Combustion Technical Committee, AIAA, (2001-2010)
- Co-Organizer, 18th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Comb. Inst., (2022)
- Co-Organizer, 16th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SIAM (2017)
- Co-Organizer, 14th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SIAM (2013)
- Co-Organizer, 12th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SIAM (2008)
- Co-Organizer, 10th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SIAM (2004)
- Co-Organizer, 8th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SIAM (2000)
- Co-Organizer, 6th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SIAM (1996)
- Co-Organizer, 4th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SIAM (1991)
- University of Utah ASCI Review Committee (2001)
Recent Invited Lectures at National & International Meetings
(Over 250 lectures at National and International Meetings, Universities and Laboratories have been presented since 1980. A selection of lectures is listed below.)
- "Computational and Experimental Study of Energetic Materials," Keynote Address, Symposium, University of Illinois, April 2000.
- "Modeling Energetic Materials," Plenary Lecture, Gordon Research Conference, The Tilton School, Tilton, New Hampshire, July 2000.
- "On the Transition from Nonsooting to Sooting Ethylene Diffusion Flames," Distinguished Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 2003.
- "Soot Formation in Laminar Flames," Plenary Lecture, Computational Heat Transfer Meeting, CHT-04, M. S. Midnatsol, Norway 2004.
- "Soot Formation in Ethylene-Air Diffusion Flames," Leaders in Mechanical Engineering Lecture Series, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, April 2005.
- "Computational and Experimental Study of Laminar Diffusion Flames," Plenary Lecture, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Charlottesville, Virginia, 2007.
- "Computational and Experimental Study of Soot Formation in Coflow Diffusion Flames," Plenary Lecture, COMBURA, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 2008.
- "The Computation of Laminar Flames," Plenary Lecture, 34th International Combustion Symposium, Warsaw, Poland, July 2012.
- "The Modeling of Laminar Flames," Leaders in Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series, RPI, Troy, New York, April 2013.
- "Constrained-Temperature Solutions of Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flames," 10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, April 2017,
Research Support
Professor Smooke has been a PI or Co-PI on over 40 research grants totaling more than $25M.
Research Software
Professor Smooke is one of the authors of the CHEMKIN software package originally developed at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California. He developed the computational algorithms for the premixed flame code (PREMIX), the counterflow flame code (OPPDIF), the perfectly stirred reactor program (PSR) and the sensitivity analysis module.
Citation Data (as of 7/1/2024)
Google Scholar: Total Citations = 18,509, h-factor = 70; i10-factor = 168