Madhusudhan Venkadesan

Associate Professor - Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Room / Office: Room 224
Office Address:
17 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208263
New Haven, CT 06520
  • Ph.D., Cornell University
  • M.S., Cornell University
  • B.Tech., IIT Madras


Venkadesan studies the biomechanics and control of animal movement, and develops mechanisms inspired by those studies.

How do animals control their bodies, and what can we learn from them for building robots? Venkadesan's lab uses human subject experiments, control theory, dynamics, and robotics to understand how evolution affects the way we control our bodies. Behaviors include walking, running, throwing, and grasping, in humans or other animals, and in biologically inspired machines built in the lab.

Keywords: biomechanics, neural control, human evolution, optimal control, biologically inspired design and control, grasping, throwing, running, walking, jumping.

Selected Awards & Honors:

Selected Publications: