Julie Zimmerman

Zimmerman LabProfessor of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Environment and Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences)
Room / Office: Room 528
Office Address:
17 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 208263
New Haven, CT
Phone: (203) 432-9703
Email: julie.zimmerman@yale.edu
- Ph.D., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
- B.S., University of Virginia
Application of the green chemistry and green engineering principles to innovative design of products, processes, and systems; assessing benign alternative chemicals and materials; policy design and analysis for sustainability, particularly related to water use and corporate environmental behavior; developing water treatment technologies for developing communities.
Selected Awards & Honors:
- Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom, 2015
- Elected Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2015
- Walter J. Weber Distinguished Lecturer, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Michigan, 2014
- Finalist, Connecticut Women of Innovation, Research Category, 2013
- Karman Fellow, RWTH-Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2013
- Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference – Environmental Nanotechnology, June 2013
- Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, American Society of Civil Engineering, 2012
- Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference – Green Chemistry, July 2010
- Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference – Environment: Water, June 2010
- National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers in Engineering Education, 2009
- EPA Bronze Medal for Commendable Service, 2007
- EPA Gold Medal for Commendable Service, 2006
- National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers in Engineering, 2005
- EPA Bronze Medal for Commendable Service, 2005
- University of Michigan Distinguished Dissertation Award, 2004
- United States Environmental Protection Agency STAR Fellow, 1999 – 2002
Selected Publications:
- Yamani, J. S.; Lounsbury, A. W; Zimmerman, J. B. "Towards a selective adsorbent for arsenate and selenite in the presence of phosphate: Assessment of adsorption efficiency, mechanism, and binary separation factors of the chitosan-copper complex" Water Research, 2016, in press.
- Soh, L.; Chen, C. C.; Kwan, T. A.; Zimmerman, J. B.; "Role of CO2 in Mass Transfer, Reaction Kinetics, and Inter-Phase Partitioning for the Transesterification of Triolein in an Expanded Methanol System with Heterogeneous Acid Catalyst", ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 3(11), 2669-2677, 2015.
- Powell, J. T.; Townsend, T. G.; Zimmerman, J. B., "Estimates of Solid Waste Disposal Rates and Reduction Targets for Landfill Gas Emissions", Nature Climate Change, 2015, in press.
- Zimmerman, J. B.; Anastas, P. T., "Toward designing safer chemicals," Science 347 (6219), 215-215, 2015.
- Kostal, J.; Voutchkova-Kostal, A.; Anastas, P. T.; Zimmerman, J. B. "Identifying and designing chemicals with minimal acute aquatic toxicity", Proceedings of the National Academies, 112, 20, 6289-6294, 2015.
- Zimmerman, J. B.; Anastas, P. T., "Toward substitution with no regrets," Science 347 (6227), 1198-1199, 2015.
- Gilbertson, L.; Zimmerman, J. B.; Plata, D.; Hutchison, J.; Anastas, P. T., "Designing Nanomaterials to Maximize Performance and Minimize Undesirable Implications Guided by the Principles of Green Chemistry," Chemical Society Reviews, 44, 5758-5777, 2015.
- Wang, R.; Zimmerman, J. B. "Economic and Environmental Assessment of Office Building Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Various US Cities", Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (3), 1768-1778, 2015.
- Gilbertson, L.; Goodwin, D.; Taylor, A.; Pfefferle, L.; Zimmerman, J. B. "Towards Tailored Functional Design of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWNTs): Electrochemical and Antimicrobial Activity Enhancement via Oxidation and Selective Reduction", Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (10), 5938-5945, 2014.
- Mo, W.; Wang, R., Zimmerman, J. B. "An Energy-Water Nexus Analysis of Enhanced Water Supply Scenarios: A Regional Comparison of Tampa Bay, Florida and San Diego, California", Environmental Science and Technology, 48(10), 5883-5891, 2014.
- Soh, L.; Curry, J.; Beckman, E. J.; Zimmerman, J. B. "Effect of System Conditions for Biodiesel Production via Transersterification using Carbon Dioxide-Methanol Mixtures in the Presence of a Heterogeneous Catalyst", ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2(3), 387-395, 2014.