Electrical & Computer Engineering is the largest and most diverse technological field in the world. The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering offers undergraduate and graduate educational programs and research opportunities in three of the field's broadest areas: Microelectronics, Photonics and Nanotechnology; Computers, Sensors, and Networking; and Signal & Image Processing, Communications and Control.

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Jung Han

Department Chair

William A. Norton Professor in Technological Innovation

Fengnian Xia

Director of Undergraduate Studies (Non-EECS majors)

Barton L. Weller Associate Professor in Engineering and Science

Hong Tang

Director of Graduate Studies

Llewellyn West Jones, Jr. Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering & Physics

Rajit Manohar

Director of Undergraduate Studies (EECS majors)

John C. Malone Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science