Narendra Elected IFAC Fellow

Kumpati Narendra, the Harold W. Cheel Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, has been elected Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).Narendra was cited for his “extensive contributions spanning several areas of control engineering and systems theory, including stability theory, adaptive systems, and learning, as a theoretician, practitioner, and educator.” He will be formally honored at the IFAC World Congress in Yokohama, Japan in July 2023.
Among his many prestigious honors, Narendra is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the IEE (U.K.), and American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is also the recipient of 10 other awards in systems theory including the IEEE Control Systems Society’s Bode Prize, the American Control Council’s Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society’s Neural Network Pioneer Award, and the Walton Visitor Award of the Science Foundation of Ireland. He has also received honorary Doctor of Science degrees from his alma mater, the University of Madras in India (now Anna University), and the University of Ireland.
Narendra, who has been the Director of the Center for Systems Science since its creation in 1981, has organized 19 three-day Workshops that bring together scientists and engineers in a collegial environment. The 20th Workshop is scheduled for early 2023.
During the coming year Narendra plans to invite researchers in different disciplines, from within the country and abroad, to discuss critical issues and to exploit the synergism between different viewpoints.