2020 Grad Spotlight: Jonathan Weiss

For commencement week, we’re featuring some of the students from the SEAS Class of 2020. Today, we feature Jonathan Weiss, who majored in Biomedical Engineering:
What are your post-graduation plans?
I plan on starting my Ph.D. in Bioengineering at Stanford this coming fall, potentially focusing on cardiac tissue engineering and bioprinting. Beyond that, I might pursue a career in academia, industry, or something else -- not sure what yet!
If you were to pick one thing that you most enjoyed about your time at Yale, what would it be?
Personally, one of the most enjoyable aspects about Yale was the flexibility I had to explore the activities that I loved alongside my passionate and supportive friends. I had many opportunities to help conduct research, play intramural ping pong, perform in musicals, jam with a salsa band (shoutout to Tertulia!), and scatter with the marching band. I am truly going to miss this unique environment in which an incredible number of wonderful experiences were always available to us within only a few steps from our rooms.
What advice would you give to incoming students?
A piece of advice I have for incoming students involves embracing the unexpected. It is difficult to anticipate all the new challenges you will face, but take solace in knowing that you will have many peers in similar positions and mentors who may be wiser in hindsight to support you. Don't be afraid to reach out for help, and also be the support that others around you might need.
Anything else you’d like to add?
My Froco once told me that, with a simple email, you can solve almost any problem and launch almost any idea. Make good use of those shiny new emails!