When Mechanics Meets Biology: Cell Mechanics and Mechanobiology in Multicellular systems
Aris Philips Seminar
"When Mechanics Meets Biology: Cell Mechanics and Mechanobiology in Multicellular systems"
Ming Guo, MIT
Sculpting of structure and function of three-dimensional multicellular tissues depend critically on the spatial and temporal coordination of cellular physical properties. Yet the organizational principles that govern these events, and their disruption in disease, remain poorly understood. In this talk, I will first introduce our efforts in developing tools to trace cell mechanical properties in multicellular systems. In particular, I will focus on discussing a recent work to map the spatial and temporal evolution of positions, motions, and physical characteristics of individual cells throughout a growing mammary cancer spheroid. Then I will discuss our recent efforts in understanding the impact of changing cell mechanical properties on a variety of critical biological processes, including cell signaling, transcription, cell fate, and multicellular development.
Bio: Ming Guo is currently an associate professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Physics of Living Systems Center at MIT, where he holds the Class of '54 Career Development Professorship. Before joining MIT in 2015, Ming obtained his PhD in 2014 in Applied Physics, and MS in 2012 in Mechanical Engineering at Harvard University, and BS in Engineering Mechanics in Tsinghua University. Ming is a Alfred Sloan Fellow in Physics.
Wednesday, November 30, at 2:30pm
Mason Lab, 9 Hillhouse Avenue
Host: Corey O'Hern