Quantum Geometry for Optical Properties of Materials

Time: Thursday, July 28, 2022 - 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Type: Seminar Series
Presenter: Dr. Junyeong Ahn; Harvard University
Room/Office: Zoom

Yale Electrical Engineering Seminar

Quantum Geometry for Optical Properties of Materials

Abstract: The discoveries of a larger number of quantum materials in recent years raise the question of how to employ them in scientific research and technological applications. Designing quantum material properties on-demand is a big challenge. Toward this goal, a crucial preliminary step is to identify which key characteristic property of the quantum wave functions relates to the target physical response property. One exciting direction emerging in the field of topological materials is to use the geometry of quantum wave functions – the so-called quantum geometry. This approach has been successful in characterizing various novel electric properties of materials. In this seminar, I will first explain why quantum geometry is a natural concept for characterizing the quantum-ness of response properties. I will then explain a major issue of applying the idea of quantum geometry to resonant optical responses of materials and talk about our resolution to the issue. Finally, I will give an outlook on quantum-geometric engineering as a way to exploit the full quantum-mechanical functionality of quantum materials.

Bio: Junyeong Ahn is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Physics at Harvard University. After receiving his Ph.D. at Seoul National University, he was a postdoctoral fellow at The University of Tokyo and RIKEN. He studies the physics of quantum materials, including two-dimensional materials, unconventional superconductors, and topological insulators and semimetals. His research aims at revealing new functional properties of quantum materials for applications to sustainable energy and next-generation technologies.

Thursday 1 pm – July 28, 2022