W. Mark Saltzman

Saltzman Research Group- Ph.D., Harvard/MIT Division of Health Science and Technology
- S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- B.S., Iowa State University
Saltzman's research is motivated by the desire to create safer and more effective medical and surgical therapy. He focuses on tissue engineering and on creating better methods for drug delivery. His group has developed technology based on the use of bio-compatible polymeric materials for the controlled delivery of drugs, proteins, and genes. They have also developed new polymeric materials that influence the growth and assembly of tissues. However, even better than treating disease is to prevent disease from occurring in the first place. Saltzman's intent, therefore, is to develop the most economical, transportable, and accessible methods for disease prevention.
Saltzman is also committed to training a new generation of chemical and biomedical engineers. He believes in providing a stimulating and collaborative environment that promotes the free exchange of ideas and encourages creative blending of technology and modern biological science.
Selected Awards & Honors:
- Elected Member, National Academy of Engineering (2018)
- Founders Award, Controlled Release Society (2017)
- Chemical and Biological Engineering Hall of Fame, Iowa State University (2016)
- Elected Member, National Academy of Medicine (formerly Institute of Medicine) (2014)
- Mines Medalist, South Dakota School of Mines (2014)
- Fellow, National Academy of Inventors (2013)
- Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society (2010)
- Sheffield Teaching Prize, Yale University (2009)
- Paper selected as one of top 25 published over past 25 years in Biomaterials (2006)
- Distinguished Lecturer Award, Biomedical Engineering Society (2004)
- BP Amoco/H.Laurence Fuller Chair in Chemical Engineering at Cornell (2001)
- Britton Chance Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering and Medicine, at the University of Pennsylvania (2000)
- Professional Progress in Engineering Award from Iowa State University (2000)
- Member, Surgery & Bioengineering Study Section (NIH) (1999)
- Richard Tucker Excellence in Teaching Award (Cornell) (1999)
- Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (1997)
- Controlled Release Society Young Investigator Award (1996)
- Allan C. Davis Medal as Maryland's Outstanding Young Engineer (1995)
- Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (Johns Hopkins) (1995)
- Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar Award. (1990)
Selected Publications:
- Tietjen GT, Hosgood SA, Kirkiles-Smith NC, Cui J, Piotrowski-Daspit AS, Deep D, Song E, Al-Lamki R, Bradley JA, Saeb-Parsy K, Bradley JR, Nicholson ML, Saltzman WM, and Pober JS. Antibody-targeting can increase nanoparticle delivery to endothelial cells during ex vivo normothermic machine perfusion of human kidney, Science Translational Medicine 9, eaam6764 (2017). [PMCID: in progress]
- Cui J, Qin L, Zhang J, Abrahimi P, Li H, Tietjen GT, Tellides G, Pober JS, and Saltzman WM. Ex vivo pretreatment of human arterial allografts with siRNA-loaded nanoparticles reduces endothelial cell MHC II expression of 2 weeks after transplantation. Nature Communications 8: 191 (2017). [PMCID: in progress]
- Song E, Gaudin A, King AR, Seo Y, Suh HW, Deng Y, Cui J, Tietjen GT, and Saltzman WM. Surface chemistry governs cellular tropism of nanoparticles in the brain, Nature Communications, 8:15322 (2017). PMCID: PMC5454541
- Bahal R, McNeer NA, Quijano E, Liu Y, Sulkowski P, Turchick A, Lu YC, Bhunia DC, Manna A, Greiner DL, Brehm MA, Cheng CJ, López-Giráldez F, Ricciardi A, Beloor J, Krause D, Kumar P, Gallagher PG, Braddock D, Saltzman WM, Ly DH, Glazer PM. In vivo correction of anemia in b-thalassemic mice by γPNA-mediated gene editing with nanoparticle delivery, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13304 (2016). PMCID: PMC5095181
- Deng Y, Yang F, Cocco E, Song E, Zhang J, Cui J, Mohideen M, Bellone S, Santin AD, and Saltzman WM. Improved intraperitoneal drug delivery with bioadhesive nanoparticles, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:11453-11458 (2016). PMCID: PMC5068292
- Gavrilov K, Seo YE, Tietjen GT, Cui J, Cheng CJ, and Saltzman WM. Enhancement in siRNA potency by optimization outside of target sequence selection, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112: E6597-E6605 (2015). PMCID: PMC4672813
- Deng Y, Ediriwickrema A, Yang F, Lewis J, Girardi M, and Saltzman WM. A sunblock based on bioadhesive nanoparticles, Nature Materials 14:1278-85 (2015). PMCID: PMC4654636
- McNeer NA, Anandalingam K, Quijano E, Fields RJ, Caputo C, Glazer PM, Saltzman WM, and Egan ME. In vivo and in vitro correction of F508del CFTR using nanoparticles with triplex-forming PNAs in airway epithelia. Nature Communications 6:6952 (2015). PMCID: PMC4480796
- Cheng CJ, Tietjen GT, Saucier-Sawyer JK, and Saltzman WM. A holistic approach to targeting disease with polymer nanoparticles, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 14:239-247 (2015). PMCID: PMC4451203
- Cheng CJ, Bahal R, Babar IA, Pincus Z, Barrera F, Liu C, Svoronos A, Braddock DT, Glazer PM, Engelman DM, Saltzman WM, and Slack FJ. MicroRNA silencing for cancer therapy targeted to the tumor microenvironment, Nature 518:107-110 (2015). PMCID: PMC4367962
- Drug Delivery: Engineering Principles for Drug Therapy, 2001, Published by Oxford University Press.
- Tissue Engineering: Engineering principles for the design of replacement organs and tissues, 2004, Published by Oxford University Press.
- Biomedical Engineering: Bridging Medicine and Technology, Second Edition, 2015, Published by Cambridge University Press.