Dynamic properties and interactions between brain cells uncovered with in vivo microscopy

Time: Thursday, November 21, 2013 - 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Type: Seminar Series
Presenter: Jaime Grutzendler; Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology; Director, Yale Center for Experimental Neuroimaging (YCEN)
Room/Office: Room 112
10 Amistad
New Haven, CT
United States

“Dynamic properties and interactions between brain cells uncovered with in vivo microscopy”


AbstractThe overall aim of our laboratory is to learn about the dynamic properties of the various cell types in the nervous system and how cell-cell interactions are disrupted in brain injury, vascular, neurodegenerative and other pathologies. We use techniques including transcranial in vivo two photon microscopy, high-resolution confocal and electron microscopy in combination with differential fluorescent cell labeling and genetic/pharmacological manipulations. In first half of my talk, I will focus on longitudinal imaging of the cortical microvasculature during postnatal development and in pathological processes and will discuss a mechanism of microvascular recanalization independent of the fibrinolytic system that we recently uncovered. In the second half, I will present new data about the dynamics of oligodendrocytes and myelination using a new technique that we developed that allows time-lapse in vivo imaging of cortical myelin in a label-less fashion.